2013 Internationals

2013 Internationals

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanks and Giving

All Freight Systems
All Freight Systems
November 26, 2014
Thanksgiving or Thanks and Giving?  Your choice.

While I realize that we just celebrated Veterans day, I find it gets lost in the myriad of things we do in our busy lives.  This year allow me to suggest that you really show your gratitude and invite a vet to come to your holiday meal.  There are many vets in nursing homes and hospitals that would appreciate being remembered and truly honored by your generosity. If you don't have a Veterans facility in your home town, call the VFW, I can assure you there will be someone who answers your call and would be glad to share your holiday meal.

Continuing the Thanks and Giving flow, I have included a video clip.  While you rush around this holiday season buying the perfect gift for friends and loved ones, don't forget the men and women who made that purchase possible:


However you celebrate your Thanks and Giving, have a happy and safe holiday.

Charlotte Stipp
All Freight Systems

All Freight Systems | 1134 S 12th Street | Kansas City | KS | 66105 913-281-1203

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Fall, early winter post.

All Freight Systems
All Freight Systems
November 5, 2014
As Mother Nature dots the trees with vibrant hues of red, orange and yellow, it is time to remind ourselves that the dreaded old man winter will soon be here howling at our doors and windows.

For those of you on the road during this season it can be a dangerous time if not properly prepared. If you took out your winter gear out of the truck, now is the time to check and make sure that everything is in good order and put it back in the truck. Some of this gear ought to include:
  • extra food and water
  • extra pair of boots and warm clothing
  • washer fluid
  • matches
  • fuel conditioner
  • fuel filters
  • small propane blow torch
  • tire chains
  • long tow chain or strap
Glad to see that you have your gear together, now let's refresh our memories about snow and ice driving;

Tip #1 Ice on your windshield means ice on the road.
The ice doesn't have to be packed up on the roadway to be dangerous- a thin sheet of ice can develop quickly into a thick problem.
Tip # 2 Keep an eye on the temperature.
Water freezes at 32 degrees. The roadways tend to be slightly warmer than the air temp, but once you're down that low in temperature, you need to be wary.
Tip # 3 Look for spray coming up from other vehicles.
If spray is coming off the tires, it's likely that the roads are wet (as opposed to ice covered), but keep in mind that a short stretch of road with ice on it can be just as dangerous as an ice-packed roadway.
Tip # 4 Talk to people.
Make sure your CB radio is on and talk to the drivers around you. If you are a new driver, try to find a seasoned driver who isn't talking a lot of big talk. We're all a little nervous out there if we really know what we're dealing with. You want to find a seasoned driver with a healthy respect for physics to help talk you through it.

Tip # 5 Don't follow too close.
Traffic tends to bunch up on bad roads-the natural inclination is to follow other drivers. Stay away from four-wheelers. Often they are under the illusion that the roads are safer than they actually are.
Tip # 6 Watch for warning signs.
If there are four-wheelers spun out in the median or shoulder, the roads are bad. If you start seeing big trucks spun out, it's time to get off the roadway.
Tip # 7 There's no load worth your life.
If you are on dangerous roadways, your best bet is to find a safe spot to wait it out. Let your logbook gain some hours. If you can't find a spot in a truck stop, park on a ramp or anywhere out of the way. Try not to park on an incline. You're liable to get yourself stuck.
Tip # 8 Carry supplies.
In the unfortunate event that you end up stuck, spun out, wrecked, or just sitting in a backup, be sure you have necessities with you. Keep extra blankets, canned food (and a can opener if needed), and water. Be sure you keep your diesel tanks full so you won't run out. No, I am not repeating myself, I wanted to be sure you read this the first time. Your life my depend on carrying that little bit of extra water, food or clothing.
Tip # 9 Treat your diesel.
Diesel gels when it gets really cold. If your diesel gels, your truck won't run. If you are facing winter weather conditions, you need to put an anti-gel additive in your tanks (put it in BEFORE you fuel so it mixes). It's a good idea to stock up ahead of time and/or buy at a Wal-Mart rather than expecting the truck stop to have it in stock. They tend to run out right when you need it-every one else already bought theirs from them.
Tip # 10 Don't over drive your skill set.
Just because others are going on down the road, doesn't mean you need to or that you should.  Know your limitations.  When you reach your limitations, stop and park your truck until the roads improve.